

Kenya is located in eastern Africa. It is a stable country with the largest economy in east Africa. Kenyans tend to be deeply religious. Over 80% of the population is Christian, around 11% is Muslim, and about 5% are involved in traditional African religions.  While these stats are what they are, it only gives a glimpse into the reality of the situation on the ground. 

You FM officially began our work in Kenya after corresponding with several pastors for a period of more than two years.  During this time, the Kenyan Pastors kept requesting via email asking for help with teaching materials, Bibles, and requested a visit.   The FM, as always kept asking them in turn for writings from the heart as to why they would want us to come, and what part of what they read of our doctrines attracted them to keep asking us to come to partner with them. 

Eventually an exploratory trip was made in 2011.  What we found there in Kenya was so wonderful! Many people were so thankful to hear the Word of God, often saying the Good News from a far country is like cold water for the thirsty soul.  God worked from very humble beginnings and developed much work  in Kenya.

The Apostolic Mission of Kenya now has a Central board, which makes it’s own decisions as to their ministry work in reaching both their church members and the community at large.

The FM works in the Kisii highlands region of Kenya, as well as in the greater Kitale area.  

Taking into account all the ministry’s that we work with in Kenya, the ministry there is quite far reaching.   

Due to extreme poverty, there are so many hardships that are endured by the dear Christians in Kenya.  Hunger, lack of Bibles, lack of transportation, lack of good roads, and lack of good steady work are among the day to day issues for the people and the church. 

Please pray for our Kenyan brothers and sisters, and join in on a trip if God leads you in this direction.

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Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)

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